HAYSTAC Publications
- Eleanor Graham et al., Rydberg-atom-based single-photon detection for haloscope axion searches, arXiv:2310.15352, Phys Rev D. 109 032009 (2024)
Ghosh, S. (2023), Harnessing HAYSTAC for Hidden Photons and Advancing Rydberg Atom-based Axion Detection, Available from Dissertations & Theses @ Yale University; ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. 2921053195
M. J. Jewell et al., New Results from HAYSTAC’s Phase II Operation with a Squeezed State Receiver, arXiv:2301.09721, Phys Rev D. 107 072007 (2023)
- M. Simanovskaia et al., A Symmetric Multi-rod Tunable Microwave Cavity for the HAYSTAC Dark Matter Axion Search, arXiv:2006.01248; Rev. Sci. Inst. 92, 033305 (2021)
- K. Backes et al., A quantum-enhanced search for dark matter axions, arXiv:2008.01853; Nature 590, 238–242 (2021)
- D. A. Palken et al., An improved analysis framework for axion dark matter searches, arXiv:2003.08510; Phys. Rev. D 101 123011 (2020)
- L. Zhong et al., Results from phase 1 of the HAYSTAC microwave cavity axion experiment, arXiv:1803.03690; Phys. Rev. D 97 092001 (2018)
- B. M. Brubaker et al., HAYSTAC axion search analysis procedure, arXiv:1706.08388; Phys. Rev. D 96 123008 (2017)
- L. Zhong et al., Recent Technical Improvements to the HAYSTAC Experiment, arXiv:1706.03676
- S. Al Kenany et al., Design and operational experience of a microwave cavity axion detector for the 20-100 ueV range, arXiv:1611.07123; Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 854 11 (2017)
- B. M. Brubaker et al., First Results from a Microwave Cavity Axion Search at 24 ueV, arXiv:1610.02580; Phys. Rev. Lett. 118 061302 (2017)
Companion Publications
Xiran Bai et al., On the use of dielectric elements in axion searches with microwave resonant cavities, arXiv:2304.06562, JINST 18 P07017 (2023)
- Y. Zhu et al., An improved synthetic signal injection routine for HAYSTAC, arXiv:2212.00732
- K. Wurtz et al., Cavity Entanglement and State Swapping to Accelerate the Search for Axion Dark Matter, arXiv:2107.04147; PRX Quantum 2, 040350
- Y. Zhu et al., EIT spectroscopy of high-lying Rydberg states in 39K, arxiv:2112.04614; Phys. Rev. A 105, 042808
- S. Ghosh et al., Searching for dark photons with existing haloscope data, arxiv:2104.09334; Phys. Rev. D 104, 092016 (2021)
- T. S. Roussy et al., Experimental constraint on axion-like particle coupling over seven orders of magnitude in mass, arXiv:2006.15787; Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 171301
- M. Malnou et al., Squeezed vacuum used to accelerate the search for a weak classical signal, arXiv:1809.06470; Phys. Rev. X 9, 021023 (2019)
- N. M. Rapidis et al., Characterization of the HAYSTAC axion dark matter search cavity using microwave measurement and simulation techniques, arXiv:1809.02246; Rev. Sci. Instr. 90, 024706 (2019)
- K. van Bibber et al., Putting the squeeze on axions, Physics Today 72, 6, 48 (2019)
- M. Malnou et al., Optimal operation of a Josephson parametric amplifier for vacuum squeezing, arXiv:1711.02786; Phys. Rev. Applied 9, 044023 (2018)
- H. Zheng et al., Accelerating dark-matter axion searches with quantum measurement technology, arXiv:1607.02529
T. M. Shokair et al., Future directions in the microwave cavity search for dark matter axions, arXiv:1405.3685; Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 291443004 (2014)
- S. K. Lamoreaux et al., Analysis of single-photon and linear amplifier detectors for microwave cavity dark matter axion searches, arXiv:1306.3591; Phys. Rev. D 88 035020 (2013)
HAYSTAC Dissertations
K. M. Backes, A Quantum-Enhanced Search for Dark Matter Axions, Ph.D. thesis, Yale University (2021), https://elischolar.library.yale.edu/gsas_dissertations/294/
D. A. Palken, Enhancing the Scan Rate for Axion Dark Matter: Quantum Noise Evasion and Maximally Informative Analysis, Ph.D. thesis, University of Colorado at Boulder (2020), https://pqdtopen.proquest.com/doc/2449294093.html?FMT=ABS
M. Simanovskaia, Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of a High-Frequency Microwave Cavity for HAYSTAC, Ph.D. thesis, University of California Berkeley (2019), https://escholarship.org/uc/item/29z1q868
B. M. Brubaker, First results from the HAYSTAC axion search, Ph.D. thesis, Yale University (2017), arXiv:1801.00835
arXiv:2310.15352 |